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power of space part 0(0.3) life of Cephes

                                    power of space part 0(0.3)                    

                                           Life of Cephes

                       After that Cephes was selected as lord of space He was said to be a good king of earth. He made many improvements on earth. He made an advanced defence system for the safety of the earth. As  years passed ,he got married to VIRGINIA in 30085 .Then Virginia gave birth to two sons .Their names are Aldeberan and Cetasus. Cephes was happily living with his sons and wife. His eldest son Aldeberan was a selfish guy. He was greedy but Cephes helped the poor people by doing good deeds.

                        In 30095, Cephes’s wife Virginia met a crucial accident and she was dead .It was the saddest moment for the power family and people of earth. But Cephes overcame the sadness and looked up his sons .The happy life of Cephes passed fast until the lord of the exoplanet ANOSTAPAE, Goron challenged him that, if he wins Cephes should give his earth to him and if he loses Goron should get out of the earth .He challenged him with a thought to become the lord of the space. Cephes accepted the challenge with a fear of death.

                        In October, 30120, they started the challenge between Cephes and Goron. Before fighting, Cephes prayed power of space. Then they started the fight. Both had equal strength but everyone supported for Cephes. This gave him a positive sign. Everything happened positive to Cephes .When Goron came to lose the challenge ,he took his invisible sword and pierced into Cephes’s subclavian artery.So Cephes fell down .The audience shouted at Goron that , “cheater, cheater”. But Goron didn’t take anything in his mind. Goron said to Cephes, “hey fool, you can’t do anything, now I am going to kill you and capture the earth”. Cephes said, “You can kill me but you can’t take away the respect and love from my people”. When Goron came near Cephes to kill him Cephes got angry and said “power of space, unleash the power”. Immediately a force of power released from the hands of Cephes and blown Goron into the heavens. At last, Cephes won the challenge. But he got severe injuries in the chest and he was admitted in the hospital. Vascular surgeons transfused blood and operated Cephes and kept him in the very intensive carry unit (VICU).Then the team of doctors said “we can’t do anything, only power of space could do something which we have to wait and see”. Everybody prayed the power of space to save the life of Cephes.
                      On the other hand ,Goron travelled to his master ,the evil lord of space and got evil powers to retaliate Cephes.
Whether Cephes would survive or not ,watch the next episode part 0(0.4) released on 4.8.13


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